Digital Assessoria is an Integrated Digital Network with performance in Financial. Institutional and stakeholders network relationship, engendering results which join merit to the clients.
Digital joins strategical intelligence to solution of communication and marketing matter, assuring efficient outcome on framing, scattering and protection of the institutional and marketing image next to different public.
Therefore, Digital keeps strategical partnerships that over and above offering technical back up, provides excellent relation cost x benefit for the clients.
Our services carry out since analysis and diagnostic of the company need in terms of communication and marketing until the development and production of materials which compound ruled actions to each one of the publics.
Our aptitudes
Undertaking Communication Strategical Consulting
Communication with the Financial Press
Intelligence of Marketing
Communication to Prevent and Managing Crises
Communication for Social Responsibility
Relationship with the Community
Public Relation Projects
Announcement Productions
Executives and Leaders Training
Consulting in Communication and Marketing
Digital owns a great number of consulting, communication and marketing expertise who analyze the company and diagnose its needs and opportunities, offering next, the most suitable advices. We Develop the Strategical Planning and we carry them into actions for better outcomes.
Communication with the Financial Press
The Press is fundamental in order that the images of the companies are suitably projected for the public opinion. Our expertises keep up the personnel contacts with the press colleagues, making our clients a required source. Many services on this particularities are being offered by us.
Creation, production and distribution of releases and journalistic topics;
Journalism in real time: elaboration of contents for internet and intranet;
Updating of entrepreneurial sites press room;
Press meeting (witnessing, by link conference or by TV on Internet) and meeting with strategical publics;
Meeting arrangement “one by one”;
Monitoring and Image Analysis from news published by press;
Judgement audit;
Clipping ;
Elaboration of speeches and articles for the spokesmen and contractor executives;
Media training;
Interviews and market research reports;
Follow-up ;
Mailing (journalist and investors contacts);
Photographical newspaper reports;
Divulgation and preparation of lectures for events.
The best advantage we can have in a highly competitive world that changes rapidly is the aptness of speeding up a process and making an efficacious decision.
We keep a partnership with KMC – Knowledge Management Company – which we develop the following services;
Analysis and Sector trends;
Analysis of the competition;
Primary and secondary data acquisitions,
Entrepreneurial profiles;
Entrepreneurial diagnostic (which information of the market or competitors make them necessaries);
Planning of the Market intelligence area;
Aptitudes and abilities necessary for the team (professional profile);
Structure and Process of competitive Intelligence;
Planning, execution, follow up and monthly control of the activities
Criation and Production
Digital – together with its associates – create, develop and produce cooperatives, institutional and promotionals stuffs.
Catalogues, brochures, folders, posters, displays, logos, advertisements, etc;
Magazines, Newspapers, newsletters, electronics bulletins, celebratory books, Social and administrative reports, Institutional pamphlets, calendars, guided for internal and external public;
Annual report, On Line annual report, Trimestrial report;
Social report;
Communication campaign (Endomarketing): motivationals, Social responsibilities, Health, Security, Environment, Quality, Incentive, Participation in results;
Development of home pages, multimedia presentation, Video production.
From a good organization depends the success of any event. Digital – together with the associates – it is prepared to assist your business since the creation, development and coordination even the operational and logistic support.
Selection of the place, contraction of hotels, buffets, great halls, as well as management of the services, air and land shuttles, reception to the guests, production and assembly of back up materials – folders, identities, notepads, pens, souvenirs – and obtainment of necessary equipments are services we provide with the best condition of cost x benefits.
Meeting and lunch arrangements with journalists, Administration and strategical representative of the contractor all taking part.
Press interviews and Stakeholders meetings (strategical publics);
Arrangement and performance of workshops, seminaries, symposium, conferences, lectures;
Fairs, Exposition, Exhibitions;
Event for product launch;
Week of qualities, Health, Security, Environment;
Commemorative Events;
Social, cultural and sportive event;
Open-house or Open-day.
Executives and Leaders Qualification Training
We make lectures, organize and manage seminaries and special training in order to develop entrepreneurial leaders regarding to communication with different publics.
For the Executives, we develop specific training for a relationship with the press (Media Training). For the leadership, the qualification in communication comes to suit their profile to the new demand of the market: a business manager, with a strategical vision, which appease a perfect understanding of each stakeholders need of their organization.
Aberje – Associação Brasileira de Comunicação Empresarial;
Abifer - Associação Brasileira da Indústria Ferroviária;
Aeamesp - Associação dos Engenheiros e Arquitetos de Metrô;
Anfir - Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Implementos Rodoviários;
ANTF – Associação Nacional dos Transportadores Ferroviários;
APIMEC SP - Associação dos Analistas e Profissionais de Investimento do Mercado de Capitais
Associação Brasileira de E-Business;
Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Implementos Rodoviários;
Azevedo Sette Advogados;
Bombardier Transportation;
EIF Engenharia
ESPM – Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing Alphaville;
FINATEC – Fundação de Empreendimentos Científicos e Tecnológicos – Brasília
FIPECAFI – Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Contábeis, Atuariais e Financeiras;
IBEF – Instituto Brasileiro de Executivos de Finanças de São Paulo;
IBRI – Instituto Brasileiro de Relações com Investidores;
Integral-Trust Consultoria
Lincx Serviços de Saúde;
Omni Financeira;
Rede Pague Express – bilhete único;
Simefre - Sindicato Interestadual da Indústria de Materiais e Equipamentos Ferroviários e Rodoviários
Sindicato dos Engenheiros no Estado de São Paulo;
Thomson Financial;
WEBTraffic Marketing Online.
Professionals - Team
Rodney Vergili – President
Graduated in journalism and economy – USP, He started his career at Diário do Comércio e Indústria (DCI) in 1973. From 1986 to 1997 He was Editor of Coluna Mercado Financeiro on Folha de S.Paulo. Then he went to Agência Estado, where he stayed until 2004, when he founded his own agency – The Digital Assessoria Comunicação Integrada.
He rendered services for magazines such as: Exame, Veja, Amanhã, América Economia and Bovespa. He stood out in programs such as: Roda Viva (TV Cultura) and Negócios e Companhia (Rádio CBN).
He received Columnist Award in 1998 and 1999 and Press Professional of 2002 by Abamec-SP.
He had his biography published on the book “Jornalistas Brasileiros: Quem é Quem no Jornalismo de Economia”, from publishing house MegaBrasil, in June of 2005.
Rosana Grant – Executive-Director
Journalist, with solid professional experience in big multinational and national companies like, Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, Citibank and Rede Globo acting in entrepreneurial network, Communication with the press, Social responsibility, Public relation and Marketing.
She started her career as a reporter at TV Globo, later acting as ,Chief of newspaper report and assistant editing of economy. She worked for 14 years at Citibank Brazil. Organized the Bank opening process next to press, turning into one of the main source of financial-economical area of the country.
She took over the position of Director of Communication with the press and Legal Affairs, being in charge of all activities of relationship Citigroup/Citibank Brazil with Brazilian and International Press. Performed an important role in managing of crisis and acted on its publishing, next to press, of the most meaningful events made by the Corporation.
Master degree in Communication and Marketing by Foundation Cásper Líbero, Post-graduated in Entrepreneurial communication – ESPM, Macro economy Brazil – FGV and Graduated in Journalism by FIAM.
Attended several courses of specialization abroad : Academie de Paris - SORBONNE; Universidad International de Andalucía – Espanha – Universidade de Coimbra - Portugal and Columbia University - New York.
Amauri Marchese – Sênior Consultant
Journalist and professional of Public Relation majored by Faculdade de Comunicação Social Cásper Líbero, with several courses in specialization.
Ex-president, Instructor of Courses, permanent member of the jury of Aberje e collaborator of Aberje – Associação Brasileira de Comunicação Empresarial.
For 17 years professor of Post-Graduation courses and MBA in Communication and Marketing from Superior school of Propaganda and Marketing and courses of Extension in Entrepreneurial communication and Promotional Marketing.
He’s been working for 2 years as a professor of University Petrobras.
Consultant in Communication and Marketing, trained on development of program and project in the area of cooperative communication and Institutional Marketing (with emphasis on internal public).
Professional experience for 33 years on the field above.
Many interviews, articles and chapters of written books . Two works in formation (one mentioning the topic Internal communication and another, Entrepreneurial events).
Digital Assessoria Comunicação Integrada
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