domingo, 8 de maio de 2011

Digital: ABVCAP Congress 2011: institution launches a database and debates on perspectives for the sector



ABVCAP (Brazilian Association of Private Equity & Venture Capital) promoted the yearly Congress to debate sector perspectives on the theme: “Brazil in the Sustainable Growth Route – It is Time for Long-Term Investments”, on the 11th and 12th of April 2011. Sidney Chameh, ABVCAP President, announced the creation of a database on Private Equity for the institution, which will have a strict information security and confidentiality structure. “The ABVCAP data system will be complex, demanding a valid and detailed data entry”, he explained.

The objective is to start the information collection as of the second semester of this year. Data on profitability, generated employment, and tax collection will be available as of 2012. In the same ABVCAP Congress, he sealed mutual cooperation agreements with the following Associations: EMPEA (The Emerging Markets Private Equity Association), LAVCA (The Latin American Venture Capital Association) and CVCA (Canada’s Private Equity and Venture Capital Association).

During the two day event, themes such as: “O Diferencial do Brasil – O que torna o Brasil atrativo aos olhos dos investidores?” (Brazil’s Differencial – what makes Brasil attractive to investors?); “Últimas Tendências na Indústria Global de Private Equity e Venture Capital – A posição do Brasil na Nova Conjuntura” (Latest Trends in the Private Equity/Venture Capital Global Industry – Brazil’s position in the New Conjuncture); “O Grande Debate: O Brasil Está Caro?” (The Great Debate: Is Brazil Expensive?); “Os projetos e desafios do Rio de Janeiro, dos serviços aos jogos” (Rio de Janeiro’s projects and challenges, from services to the games), among others. There was also a thematic lunch, during which 10 themes were debated on, as well as parallel sessions. More information on
